關於我們 About Us

Hyde Park (Chinese) Baptist Church is a mission of Hyde Park Baptist Church.

使命 Mission

我們的使命是向迷失的世界傳揚主耶穌的福音,通過會眾崇拜高舉主,引用聖經神的話教導聖徒,以愛和團契造就會眾,同時裝備神的子民如何事奉。我們的會友來自東南亞中國華僑,崇拜使用普通話, 粵語和英語進行。歡迎您參加我們教會不同的崇拜和活動。

Our mission is evangelizing the lost world, exalting the Lord through congregational worship, educating the saints with God’s Word, edifying the congregation through fellowship and love, and equipping God’s people for ministry. We are ministering to a congregation of Chinese ethnic origin. Our worship services are in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. We would welcome you to join us in our worship of the Lord.

牧師 Our Pastor

吳紹偉牧師 Pastor Nelson Ng

吳紹偉牧師出生於香港,師母吳詩雅為美國人;他們領養了兩名女兒,現今都是大學生了。吳牧師在加拿大和美國接受教育; 獲神學本科和碩士學位。吳師母從事護士工作。


Pastor Nelson was born in Hong Kong. His wife, Sue, is Caucasian. Their two adopted daughters are both now in college. Pastor Nelson, educated in Canada and in the United States, holds a bachelor and a master degree in Theology.  Sue works as a nurse.  

Pastor Nelson has been ministering for more than 30 years, pastoring in Canada, the United States, and Hong Kong before coming to Hyde Park Chinese Baptist Church. His vision for our church includes focusing on small group Bible studies, partaking in frequent visitations to members, and developing the passion and training for evangelism and mission. 

Previous churches Pastor Nelson had shepherd were similar in size to Hyde Park Chinese Baptist Church. His past mission work focused mainly in Asia.

While in Hong Kong, Pastor Nelson and Sue fostered abandoned babies. They took care of one until eight months of age when the baby was adopted. Their act of kindness serves as a beautiful testimony for Christ.

同工 Coworkers

傳道部 Mission: 郭奔流 Ben Guo

兒童部 Children's Ministry: 余敏祈 Anna Yu, 薛枳潼 Sara Sit

財務 Treasurer: 謝婉瑩 Jeannis Tse

特項 Special Events: 李振浩 Chun Ho Lee, Aaron Cheung

主日學 Sunday School: 湯英輝 Jonathan Tong

音樂崇拜 Music Worship: 馮天然 Philo Fung

粵語家庭 Cantonese Family Fellowship: Larry Fong

粵語360 Cantonese 360 Fellowship: 鄒之喬 Edwin Chow, Leo Wu

國語家庭 Mandarin Family Fellowship: 白鵬飛 Peng Fei Bai

青少年 Youth Fellowship: 蔡詩恩 Grace Choy, 關志強 Steven Kwan